Why Israel is a Tech Capital of the World?

Current Digest Magazine
2 min readJul 26, 2021

You, the brave, daredevil you are, open Google Maps, throw your mouse into the air, and land here. There are palm trees, lots of 20-somethings talking into their AirPods, and everywhere you look, a familiar logo: Apple, Amazon, Intel, Yahoo, Microsoft, Google. All within a few blocks of each other. Where are you?

Your first guess might be San Jose, maybe Palo Alto, or Mountain View. That is unless you noticed the lack of Teslas, or smell of Hummus, or, the title of this video. This is Silicon Wadi, a cluster of cities in Israel with one of the highest concentrations of tech companies and startups on Earth. It’s home to Waze, Wix, SodaStream, and Fiverr file more patents per capita than all but 4 countries and is ranked the 4th most startup-friendly nation overall, behind only Canada, the UK, and the U.S.

The difference is, those countries aren’t next door to the Syrian Civil War. 30 members of the UN still don’t recognize the existence of Israel, including most of its neighbors. In fact, any evidence of traveling there, on any passport, prevents you from visiting eight of those countries. Because of this, Israeli customs stamps are not your passport but a separate piece of paper.

But despite all of this, despite the constant threat of terrorism, despite being only slightly bigger than Fiji and having just two and a half percent the population of the U.S., Israel creates some of the most successful tech companies and entrepreneurs in the world.

Why is Israel a good place to start a business?

Why is Israel so good at technology?

Why Israel is a startup nation?

As one of the very important world leaders who consult my channel for advice, you want to know how to start your very own Silicon Valley. Well, you’re in luck. The recipe is actually quite simple: First, buy some ping-pong tables, throw down a couple of bean bags, and, within minutes, a cavalcade of Soylent-drinking, smartwatch-wearing CS-grads will assemble at your door. Even better, why not build some apartments, a grocery store, and, while you’re at it, a pharmacy. Then they’ll never leave! Work-life what?

Read More on Current Digest Magazine’s website, or other related articles:

How Elon Musk Is Taking Tesla Global?

Why are Israel and Arab states getting friendly?

Israel-Palestine: The Politics at Play

